
Smishing Text Scam Alert

We wanted to bring your attention to a recent Smishing text message scam that has been reported. Smishing, or SMS phishing, involves fraudulent text messages attempting to deceive recipients into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links.

We’ve received reports of clients receiving a text message claiming their account is on hold, prompting them to click a link to resolve the issue. The link provided in these messages does not lead to the official bank website but to a fraudulent site designed to steal your information. Please note, this scam is not targeting bank clients specifically, and your information has not been compromised.


Example of Smishing text message scam
Example of Smishing text message scam.


As a reminder, your financial institution will NEVER reach out to you asking for your username, password, or any other personal or financial information.

Watch for these 5 red flags of phishing in emails, text, or calls:

  1. They ask you to open a link.
  2. They use urgent or fear-inducing language. (Your account has been suspended!)
  3. They send an attachment.
  4. They request personal info like PINs, passwords, or social security numbers.
  5. They pressure you to log into, or send money with, payment apps.


How to Protect Yourself:

  • Do not click on unexpected links: Always be cautious of unsolicited messages asking you to click on links or provide personal information.
  • Verify the source: If you receive a suspicious message, do not respond directly. Instead, check your account status through our secure online banking portal.
  • Contact us: If you are unsure about the legitimacy of any communication claiming to be from Oregon Pacific Bank, please contact us directly through official channels.


We also recommend exploring the resources available on the American Bankers Association fraud prevention website: Banks Never Ask That! Fraud Prevention.

Stay vigilant and protect your personal information and share with others to encourage them to do the same!

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